I just realized I haven't updated at all on my weight loss. It has kind of been at a stand still...still only at 12 lbs loss, but not gaining any back so that is a good sign I guess! I haven't been too strict on myself, and I am more active now except for the past two days. I've had extreme nausea and DH has had a bad cold. We didn't walk the dogs or go anywhere and basically have been recuperating on the couch. I think DH feels a bit better today because he has been outside for three hours building our new shed!!!! Its going to be nice to get the lawn mower and all of the power tools out of the garage and work on transforming the garage as well.
On another note: I was very sad to see that two of the three fellow blogger's bfp's didn't stick :( I felt so excited for them and then my heart broke for them when the bfp's turned into not so good news. I am keeping these amazing women in my thoughts and prayers. I am terrified of this happening if I ever fall pregnant. Just terrified!
Okay, so I'm pretty much all over the place today! I haven't felt well at all. Can barely eat anything, must be some bug going around. I'll probably be back on here on Monday after my RE appointment! Until then, let's all enjoy this weekend ahead!